Friday, March 9, 2012

The boys update

The boys update.  
Jovi is getting so big!  And I mean big!  His feet are the same size as nixon!  They share the same Dipes, Socks, Shirts... and a room!  He is catching up to Nixon really fast.  I'm pretty sure he will be passing him up pretty soon.  Nixon is a little skinny mini. I love that they are so opposite,  I think it's so cute.  Jovi is solid, has brown eyes and dark hair.  Nixon is skin and bones, has bright blue eyes and light hair.  I love them both so much!  

Jovi Povi
Jojo will be 9 months on the 18th.  He is such a little sweetheart.  He has been teething these past couple weeks so that has been rough.  I don't think I can remember the last time I was able to sleep through the night without having to be up with one of the boys.... zzzz :/  
Jovi LOVES to eat! Maybe that's why he's more thick them Nix.  He is very strong and pulls himself up onto everything.  He eats everything he can find on the floor! ewwwh.  He is so cute I love him so much!
Morning yoga with Mommy.


He doesn't like shopping as much as I do.

Nixon James
Oh Nixon,  You are so much fun! 
 Nixon has such a cute personality.  He is not shy, makes friend with anyone and everyone, loves to make people laugh,  loves baths (has a least 2 a day)  loves his baby brother, but is not always the nicest to him... we are working on that.  He's a little jabber box and loves to talk.  Probably gets that from his Daddy;)  He is getting better at eating.  His favorite food right now is chicken!  

Some cute things he says,
"ouch I bong my head"
"Jovi where are ewww?"
"Mommy! I wan go bye bye"
"I talk Nana" (I want to talk to Nana)
"oh my goshhhh!"
"I want Babe!"
"Tank ew soo much!"
"Hi jovi Hiiii!"
"Mommy I wan bye bye, gwamma kwade wylee"
 "Hi Babe!, I wan Elmo"

He is Mr independent.

We took the boys to the pet store today.  Nixon liked watching the guinea pigs crawl through their tunnels.  He thought it was pretty funny.

My little Sisters birthdays are a week apart, so on Monday we celebrated them together by taking them to get their ears pierced, shopping for new clothes, and out to lunch.  It was a fun girls day out!

Love my Sisters:) <3 <3 <3

Lunch with the girls and Jovi;)

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